Preparing for the exciting and intense period ahead

Preparing for the exciting and intense period ahead

It’s always a pleasure to meet in person as it allows us to work together very effectively and strengthens the team through the time spent together. This fall, our new project partner, Fundació Gentis Barcelona (Gentis Foundation), hosted us in Barcelona.  We...
Diversity – Challenges and opportunities

Diversity – Challenges and opportunities

We have reached a milestone in the preparatory phase of our “Young Service Steward” Program. In every potential implementation place of all partner counties (12 locations), we have reviewed the characteristics, current challenges and opportunities of the host...
Our programme fits the year – 2022

Our programme fits the year – 2022

2022 is the “European Year of Youth”. Our Young Service Steward Program focuses on young people aged 25-29, who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET). Although they are often seen as an issue in local communities, with the right guidance and support...
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