Diversity – Challenges and opportunities

Apr 25, 2022

We have reached a milestone in the preparatory phase of our “Young Service Steward” Program. In every potential implementation place of all partner counties (12 locations), we have reviewed the characteristics, current challenges and opportunities of the host municipality, the local NEET youth and the supportive environment.

We have done this in order to ensure that the next phase of project implementation is guided by a common set of principles, tailored to the needs of the NEET youth involved and the host community, in order to achieve common goals. It became clear to us that we will have to develop our YSS Program and provide targeted support to young people in a very diverse environment with a wide range of needs and expectations.

Young Roma mothers raising their children alone, isolated young people living far from the centre and from learning opportunities, and many more young people from different backgrounds have been targeted.

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